There are plenty of times when you might hear two terms used interchangeably, even when they aren’t exactly the same thing. This is often true for content writing and copywriting. Since both are writing intensive, it can be easy to get them mixed up. While these might seem similar, they’re two different services that can help your business achieve different goals. 

Your business needs a range of digital marketing services to get ahead of your competition and bring in more business. When you’re investing in digital marketing services for your business, you need to know exactly what you need and what you’re getting. Investing in content writing is not the same as investing in copywriting, but if you’ve been told they’re the same thing, you might be getting the wrong service for your business. 

There are great reasons to invest in content writing and copywriting, and you’ll likely need both to have an effective and comprehensive digital marketing strategy. If you’re not sure which is which or which one you need, ENX2 Legal Marketing can help you understand content writing vs. copywriting.

Content Writing

Content writing is used to create content that’s used to inform users. While content is used for marketing purposes, its main goal isn’t to sell anything. Rather, content provides something to users, usually asking for nothing in return.  

Content writing usually involves writing long-form content, which many consider being content that is at least over 500 words. This can include content such as blogs, ebooks, newsletters, case studies, and news articles. 

Many types of content writing can help you enjoy long-lasting benefits. For example, a blog you write today might still bring in a significant amount of traffic in two years.

Benefits of Content Writing

If you have a website, you should already know that creating high-quality content should be one of your top priorities. However, many people aren’t aware of the importance of content marketing. One critical benefit of having high-quality content on your website is that it attracts visitors to your site. 

More content gives you more chances to rank in the SERPs and drive organic traffic. This also helps you create a lasting relationship with your users and keep them engaged with informative content. Many users are bound to need more details before making any decisions, and good content anticipates and answers all of their questions. 


Copywriting is aimed at persuading users to take a specific action. Content writing helps drive traffic to your website, and copywriting gets them to convert. While content writing typically refers to long-form content, copywriting typically involves short-form content. You can see various examples of copywriting every day, such as emails, ads, slogans, landing pages, and taglines. 

As copywriting includes much shorter content than content writing, it has different goals and isn’t aimed at educating or informing users. Since copywriting isn’t meant to tell you anything new, just get your attention and encourage conversions, short-form content is all that’s necessary to get the job done. However, this means that the few words you do use need to be impactful. 

Copywriting is also often used to achieve short-term goals, unlike content writing. This means that copy needs to be updated more frequently and is better used for short marketing campaigns. 

Benefits of Copywriting

With only content, you may lose out on some users who would have converted with compelling content. Getting users on your site may be one goal for your business, but it shouldn’t end there. A lot of traffic won’t be that beneficial for your business if they don’t take any further action. Copywriting pushes users to take action, which could mean giving you their contact information, scheduling a consultation, making a purchase, and more. 

Which is More Important: Content Writing or Copywriting?

When it comes to content writing vs. copywriting, there’s no competition. Both are vital parts of an effective digital marketing strategy and have specific purposes. What’s important is knowing what the purpose of each one is and when to use it. If you’re trying to increase organic traffic to your website, quality content is essential. To get this traffic to make conversions, you’ll need persuasive copy. In many cases, content and copy go hand and hand. 

Get the Right Digital Marketing Services for Your Website

If you aren’t sure what you need for your website, ENX2 is here to help. We can help determine what the best strategies for your website are and implement them for you. Businesses need multiple services to compete, and each requires its own skillset. Our team is skilled and experienced in various aspects of digital marketing, so we can handle everything your business needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our digital marketing services.