Your business has finally caught up with the times — you’re now on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and every other social media platform you could think of. The easiest part of the process is over, and now you’re ready to start creating content to show off your company. Where do you begin?

Each social media platform is unique, and that’s why it’s important that you’re active on as many as you need to reach your intended audience. Each website has a different format for the content you post and you should tailor your posts to suit that specific platform. This may sound complex, but we’re here to help! Here’s a general guide to what your content on each social media site should include.


  • Make sure your post is mobile-friendly! Most people use their phones to view their Facebook, as well as most other social media sites.
  • Try and get your audience engaged in the post. Ask questions, create polls, or give out exclusive deals – and make sure to encourage followers to comment! The most active posts show up most often in your newsfeed. Don’t forget to respond to their comments, too!
  • Include photos to make your content more visually appealing.
  • The best time to post on Facebook is between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.


  • You’re only allowed 140 characters, so make it short and sweet.
  • Make sure to shorten all your URLs.
  • #Hashtags are popular on almost every form of social media now, but they began on #Twitter. Use them to help users find content related to what they’re looking for.
  • Officially, Twitter recommends about two hashtags per tweet!
  • Create your own unique #hashtag that defines your brand, and use it on all of your tweets.
  • If you don’t have much to say, retweet content that would be interesting to your target audience!
  • The best time to post on Twitter is between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.


  • Pinterest is ruled mostly by images. Make sure the ones you use are appealing! The images that get repinned most often do not have human faces in them and are well saturated. The most popular images are “portrait” style and not “landscape.”
  • If you’re using Pinterest to advertise a product, make sure it is properly linked to your website where more information can be found.
  • Pinterest is most used during the workday, so the prime time to post would be before and after lunchtime.


  • Instagram is visually drive, so make sure your pictures entice your followers. Post images that are fun and entertaining, as well as photos of your business and what you do.
  • Instagram is another website that is huge on hashtags. It’s more acceptable to use multiple hashtags on Instagram than it is on twitter.
  • Follow other users and like their photos. Find people who use hashtags you find relevant.
  • Host a photo contest on Instagram! Use hashtags and an RSS feed to follow photos submitted. Check this out for more information!
  • Instagram is a very laid-back platform, so you don’t have to have a rigid posting schedule.
  • According to the Huffington Post and Latergramme, the best time to post on Instagram is 5 p.m., specifically on Wednesdays, and 2 a.m. is second-best!


  • Check out what topics are trending and include them in your content. It shows you’re company stays aware of what’s current, and also makes your brand easier to find.
  • Use #hashtags here, too! Google + will add hashtags for trending topics automatically.
  • You can use the “communities” function to find future customers that might be interested in what you have to offer.
  • The best time to post on Google + is in the morning, around 10 a.m.


  • LinkedIn is a great website for professional content. Use this website to post your company’s credentials.
  • Keep the mood more business-oriented. LinkedIn isn’t the place for goofy pictures.
  • According to, LinkedIn sends twice as many people to your website than Twitter and Facebook COMBINED! We recommend posting about once a day each weekday for optimum reach.
  • The best time to post on LinkedIn is early morning or right before dinner, specifically on weekdays.

Still a little lost? Then maybe you should contact us. We can make sure your social media posts shine the way they are suppose to.

ENX2 Marketing