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Legal Marketing Lessons: Is Facebook Really Worth It?

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Even in this day and age when every marketing and SEO guru on the planet says you should be on social media, there are still a few holdouts out there that refuse to join the pack. We can understand that – after all, what can you possibly say on social media as a lawyer, other than announcing your successes? Or promote your blog posts? Or post any particular news items that interest you or relate to your practice? Or show off your expertise in your selected practice area? Or feature testimonials from clients? Gee, we can’t think of a thing!

Seriously, we all know that law firms should have some presence on social media to help gain clients and increase your SEO for your website. And we’ve discussed before what you can do with your social media accounts. But here’s a question that some of our clients ask us: Is it really worth it to be on every network?

For instance, let’s look at Facebook, the granddaddy of social media sites. It’s been around for a very long time and has gone through some major changes throughout the years. Once upon a time, Facebook was a great place for free marketing – all you needed was a business page and an audience. Nowadays, it’s almost impossible for a page to be shown on a user’s newsfeed unless you’re an extremely popular account or you pay for the privilege.  Where a tweet may give you more than a thousand impressions, that same post on Facebook may have a reach of three people. So is it worth it?

It’s hard to believe that it’s worth publishing to Facebook when you get such a low reach on your posts but you shouldn’t give it up. Just realize that you can’t live and die by Facebook marketing – it should only be a piece of the social media marketing puzzle. Yeah, you may be reaching three people, but those three might be a potential client who doesn’t use any other social media. Plus, think of potential clients or employees who may be researching you. Facebook has become a good research tool and if you have an up-to-date page with a lot of info on your law firm, you may see more clicks on the CTA button. (And don’t forget, no one sees your reach numbers except you!)

But you want more people to see your content? Well, in order to get your reach up these days, you’re going to have to pay. Sorry, but the days of the Wild West of Social Media are over; social media networks are businesses, just like your law firm. Besides, it’s still cheaper than print or television advertising. And if you don’t want to pay? Consider scaling back – don’t post every other hour, maybe just once a day or a couple times a week. And only post important items on Facebook like when your law firm wins a big award or you promote a lawyer. Those are the posts that your fans really want to see anyway.

Need some help with your social media? That’s what ENX2 Marketing does best! Contact us now for a free consultation.

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