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Blending a Strategic SEO & PPC Strategy for Great Results

SEO & PPC Strategy

Whether you are a part of an in-house marketing team or an agency, something is usually consistent in both as far as teams go. Now, I want you to do me a favor. Stand up and look around if you are either in an SEO or PPC department. Are your teams sitting together or separated? Chances are, it’s the latter of the two as this is common practice among digital marketing departments or agencies. This doesn’t mean you should be strategically separated, however. A well-blended SEO and PPC strategy can be vastly superior than running both separately without cross-team collaboration. So let’s dive in and see how we can achieve success for great results.

Capturing Clicks No Matter What Medium

Here’s an eye-opening statistic for you: approximately 90% of searchers don’t go past the first page of Google search results. 90%! So after reading this fact, it becomes apparent that getting searchers to click on your ad or blue organic link is important, even if you are already ranking on page 1. But capturing that searcher or position in the first place can be difficult. You could be ranking #11 for a search term in organic, but if searchers don’t scroll to the second page, you’ll be missing an opportunity to attract their business. This is why adding a PPC strategy on top of this is beneficial to split the difference in which you can easily rank #1 with a paid ad and spend the appropriate amount to stay at the top instead of waiting for organic to catch up, and there’s no guarantee it will. Practicing both mediums increases your chances of being seen!

Example: Home Depot has the top paid ad as well as the top organic position for the search term “exterior doors.”

Use a Holistic Approach

I’m talking about high level stuff here, friend! Think about all the classic combos of history. PB&J. A burger and fries. Bacon and eggs. SEO and PPC? I’m a firm believer in both of them serving their purpose on their own, but together, that’s really where the magic happens. A holistic approach creates a strong search engine presence – here’s how:

Use PPC Data from Keyword Planner for SEO Keyword Research

There are many ways to perform keyword research and a variety of tools to use in order to gather the data you need. One thing that I like to do when carrying out keyword research for our clients is to use Google Keyword Planner data. This probably isn’t new to you, as you probably do this yourself, but hear me out.

Use SEO Data for PPC Campaigns

Maybe you are having success with organic keywords in certain keyword areas that are essential to your business. You are getting the traffic, but you aren’t getting the conversions! What can be done?

Reap the Benefits of the Blend

After implementing the blend, you can start reaping the benefits! Here are just some that you’ll be seeing:

ENX2 Marketing Creates a Strategy for Success

Blending an SEO and PPC strategy can be challenging without the right tools or the right team behind you. We create successful strategies with cross-teamwork to let our clients really shine and be found on search engines. So what are you waiting for? Contact the expert team now to grow your business!

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