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Why Your Law Firm Needs Instagram

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I think it’s safe to say that the argument about whether a law firm needs social media or not is over. If you’re a lawyer and you think you don’t need it, you might be crazy. Scratch that. You are crazy.

Social media is one of the keys to online communication. Whether it’s between friends, family, consumers, clients, or anyone, social media plays a role in your interaction with them. Your law firm most importantly. In this latest ENX2 Marketing blog, I plan on talking about how one specific social media platform is not only something your firm should use but a platform your firm needs to use.

That platform is Instagram.

So, if you aren’t a crazy, non-social media believing lawyer or law firm, you probably understand the importance of Facebook and LinkedIn; maybe even Twitter. If you aren’t, here’s an article that recaps the overall importance of law firms and businesses getting involved with multiple social media platforms.

For Instagram, many lawyers and law firms don’t necessarily recognize the untapped potential of the platform. But, I’m here to shed some light on the matter.

Instagram allows its users to share visual content (mostly high-resolution pictures and one-minute videos) with more than 700 million users. With that being said, 60 percent of the users learn about a certain product or service through the platform while 75 percent of users take an action (impressions, reach, clicks, views, comments, likes, etc.) by visiting a company’s website after viewing a post. How can your law firm use all of these impressive engagement statistics to its advantage?

To get the most out of using Instagram for your law firm, you should have a strategy in place or at least the semblance of one. Your firm’s message should be consistent with the message shared across other social media platforms, along with your website or any digital advertisements you might have. The whole idea is to visually appease the platform’s users by giving them a glimpse into your firm’s culture.

This platform is also great for sharing content from your firm. Whether it’s a snippet from a blog or article or a video about a certain legal area your firm excels in, Instagram can provide the digital advantage your firm needs. You just need to post the corresponding visual, along with placing the link you want your users to view inside your Instagram’s bio. Unfortunately, you cannot post an active link in an Instagram post unless it’s a paid advertisement.

The next two things I will be mentioning aren’t necessarily reasons why your law firm needs to use Instagram, but more along the lines of what the platform can do for you. Instagram can help humanize your firm while keeping it trendy at the same time.

Since social media is all about being social, Instagram can give people an actual look and feel of your law firm. Before ENX2 Marketing, I thought of lawyers and law firms as a no monkey business kind of operation. That just isn’t the case. Once you peel back the layers, law firms and lawyers have their own unique personality just like any business.

This is where being trendy comes in. Once the law firm’s social personality is defined, start populating your posts with hashtags that are popular and specific to what your posts are about. Instagram posts are typically hashtag-heavy. Including them will allow more of the platform’s users and your potential target audience to see what you’re all about – that you aren’t just a suit and tie operation.

Contact the Social Media Experts

Instagram can be fun for everyone and every business. You just need to know how to do it. That’s where my team and I at ENX2 Marketing come in. Our digital marketing experts won’t only make your Instagram shine, but we will make your firm’s social media platforms standout from all of your competitors. Contact us today to get started!

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