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Why Should Your Law Firm Be Using A Social Media Content Calendar?

social media content calendar

Planning out your social media content each month can save those who manage your law firm’s social media platforms from one really excruciating headache. Believe us, at ENX2 Legal Marketing, we’ve implemented a pre-planned social media content calendar for our legal clients, and it’s helped us TREMENDOUSLY.

According to studies, law firms that post more than 16.5 times per month generate 3.5 times more traffic to their website than those who publish less than 4 posts per month. However, it does take time and resources to produce at least 16 pieces of content per month. It’s also difficult to develop topics out of the blue without having a strategy in place. Now, let’s discuss why you need a content calendar and how to make it work effectively.

Keeps Your Social Media Organized

Scribbling your social media topics on crumpled pieces of paper, post-it notes, and in random notebooks isn’t a reliable method. Also, it’s likely to drive you away from what’s really important amid so many ideas and things to think about.

A social media content calendar will give you a better perspective of your overall marketing strategy. Besides, it will help you mend social media content gaps and prevent you from missing your content’s mark (or a deadline!).

Consistency Is Key

The key to always being on your audience’s radar is offering them educational, relevant, and entertaining content day after day. Irregular posting leads to an out-of-sight-out-of-mind kind of scenario no matter how much your audience likes your writing efforts.

Keeping Your Audience Engaged

“Winging it” or “doing it live” works from time to time, but that’s not a method that will work in the long run. When you’re in a hurry to publish something, you might fail to check if it’s a repetitive topic that’s been covered before.

Topics picked in a random fashion don’t resonate with your audience and can also hurt your engagement. However, a planned social media content calendar will allow you to spot such blunders, so you only publish fresh and relevant content.

Staying In The Know

The day-to-day for law firms can be chaotic, to say the least, and it’s very easy for important dates to slip your mind. Missing important dates, like Legal Assistants Day or Love Your Lawyer Day, can be vital to social media engagement and driving users to your firm’s website.

Your content calendar, which should be planned at least a month in advance, will inform you about this information in time to prepare blogs, social media, and other announcements, so you stay ahead of the curve. Needless to say, this approach reduces stress and allows you to take your time and craft the best possible post for the occasion instead of whipping something up at the last minute.

Tracking Your Performance

A social media content calendar can help measure the effectiveness and success of your content and overall marketing efforts. These benchmarks are necessary, and by keeping an eye on these numbers, you’ll be able to tweak and fine-tune your content and give your audience what they need and want.

Planning Your Social Media Content Calendar

Creating and planning social media content for any sort of platform takes a lot of time and attention to detail. But strategizing for social media content, specifically, is a different story altogether. When we get to the social media content calendar, some critical factors that come into play are:

You must be extremely meticulous while maintaining a social media content calendar. After all, it’s a daunting task, and there are so many details to look after. And the trickiest part of it is that any new trend or event can trigger a need to make changes in your scheduled posts or post something new for that moment.

So an ideal social media content calendar should give you transparency of being able to see your pre-planned and scheduled content. Along with this, you should have the flexibility to reschedule your content or easily edit it if an unexpected need arises.

Take Your Law Firm’s Social Media To The Next Level With ENX2

Creating a social media content calendar is just as important as answering the question of how to choose a social media marketing agency. If you are interested in developing a social media content calendar or overall strategy for your law firm’s social media content, ENX2 Legal Marketing has experienced legal marketers ready to make your social media content shine. Contact our agency today!

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