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The Core of A Company: Website Redesign

website redesign

At ENX2 Marketing, I get to do a lot of really exciting things. Whether it be building a brand from the bottom up or being involved in a website redesign, I’m never bored. When I first started working with ENX2, I panicked when I was handed my first web design assignment because, well… web design was NOT my thing. To make a long story short and after some ups and downs, this is where my love for web design started to grow. I started to get more and more excited with every website that came my way. Don’t get me wrong, I still love making social graphics and branding, but there’s something particularly exciting about getting to create something that will be interacted with by hundreds if not thousands of people or more! Something that I’m really excited to have the opportunity to do is give our very own ENX2 website a dazzling makeover!

The Core

When I’m redesigning a website, I always keep in mind what I like to call “the core” of that site. I want to make sure the core values and principles of the existing site are still there, all the while making the site more pleasing to look at as well as easier to navigate and interact with. At the end of the day, people just want something that’s pretty to look at and easy to use. As I begin the process of a website redesign, I like to work page by page, condensing what I can and reorganizing content to look more aesthetically pleasing. When people are on a website, they want answers fast or not at all, so it’s important to make information easy to find and quick to read. Other important things that I keep in mind while I’m designing are the individual tones of the clients I design for. Are they outgoing? Serious? Progressive? Fun? Well, no matter who the client is, you need to be on point with their portrayal. Color, photo, and font choices, which may seem insignificant to most people, are all incredibly important to the integrity of the site.

The ENX2 Experience

With the redesign of the ENX2 site, I hope to create something that’s eye-catching and accurately captures our quality of work, all the while demonstrating the liveliness of the office atmosphere. One of the most important updates I get to make is to our portfolio, where we get to showcase all the amazing work we do for our clients.. I’m also giving the site a makeover with a new color scheme that I think really exhibits our creativity, as well as our energy. I took a leap of faith and experimented with a couple of gradient combinations instead of using a flat color until we collectively settled on a really awesome gradient that shifts from orange to pink. In moving forward with this project, I’m excited to implement the new colors across our social media and marketing collateral! Because of this, I want to utilize some of our social graphics across the site to create a more synergy between our site and social media, instead of just implementing stock imagery, which can sometimes get stale if not used well.

There are a lot of things that I hope to achieve with our website redesign, but my biggest goals are to help us pull in a larger audience and create a site that matches our energy–a site that is just overall more modern and sleek. I’m grateful to have an opportunity to help reshape and constantly reinvigorate ENX2 Marketing’s brand. We are amazing after all! Stay tuned, ladies and gentlemen, I can’t wait to show you what I’ve been working on! If you’re feeling up to it, scroll just a little further. There may or may not be a sneak preview of the new ENX2 site! 

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