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SEO and Internet Marketing Headlines for the Week of April 5 – 9, 2021

Third-Party Bot Traffic Does Not Directly Impact Your Google Rankings

A webmaster asked on Twitter if having “a lot of bot traffic coming in,” and if that bot traffic is “tagged under organic traffic, will have an adverse effect, or does Google ignore this?” The answer is no, John Mueller of Google said “That has no effect on Google Search.”

Going beyond keywords: how conversational insights take the guesswork out of marketing

Mobile-first and Core Web Vitals: connecting the dots for page experience success

How Long it Takes to Re-rank a Site with Fixed Quality Issues

Mueller said, “How long that takes… yeah… it’s hard to say…it’s really hard to say…”

“It’s like, on the one hand, we have to re-crawl the content… like if you make significant changes on your website, we have to re-crawl that.

And to re-crawl that across a larger site — that can take a bit of time, especially if you make bigger changes like across everything if you change the structure of your website.

I would assume something like that, just purely from a technical point of view would take… I don’t know… maybe a month.”

“And for understanding the quality changes overall, I would see that as something where it probably takes a few months on our side to actually understand that this website has significantly changed.

So not something that you can fix in a week. It’s probably more like… I don’t know… three, four months, something like that, if you make significant quality changes.”

Microsoft Advertising’s New Rollout & More Digital Marketing News

Microsoft Advertising Introduces Auto-applied Ad Suggestions:

This new feature will use variations of existing ad copy and targeting to auto-generate ads for ad groups in Microsoft Advertising accounts. Anyone who wishes to opt-out of the feature can do so in the account settings tab.

Instagram Will Allow Story Drafts:

Instagram will soon launch story drafts so users can save stories before posting them live, allowing social media managers to ensure stories are posted at the optimal time for their audience or event.

Google Ads Clarifies First-Party Data Requirements:

Subdomains, country TLDs, and vanity URLs owned by the same company would be considered a first-party context.

Microsoft Introduces Responsive Ad Unit for Car Sales:

Automotive ads, currently in open beta, can display in the Bing search results or the Microsoft Advertising Network. These ads utilize a keyword-less campaign structure and use the product information provided by the advertiser to match to relevant queries.

Why SEO Matters for Law Firms

Some SEO benefits for Law Firms include the following:

The benefits of law firm SEO go far beyond traffic and lead generation. Law firms can solidify themselves as absolute powerhouses in their niche.

Google Local Search Trends With COVID-19

Here are some highlights of these trends:

Google People Also Search For With Local Businesses Maps

Google is now able to show in the “people also search for” query refinement feature local business listings and map results.

Google My Business: Phone Numbers Not Allowed In Google Posts

Google has posted a new content policy within its Google Posts help documents that specifically disallows businesses to add phone numbers in the content of their Google Posts. Google Posts show up on your local knowledge panel in Google Search and you can share messages with customers that way. But you can no longer share a message and include your phone number in that Google Post. This new policy is referred to as “Phone Stuffing.”

SEOs Rejoice: Google Search Console Gains Regular Expressions & More Data Filters

Google said it added regular expressions, or regex – which is an advanced way of doing complex filtering and find/replace techniques. Google said, “this will help you create more complex query and page-based filters and answer more questions that interest them.”

The Google Search Console performance report comparison mode now fully supports cases where more than a single metric is selected.

Google has improved the interface to make it easier to view those results side-by-side, almost doubling the area available for the data table.

Google’s John Mueller: Changing Dates on Pages Won’t Improve Rankings

Google’s John Mueller advises that changing publishing dates on web pages will not improve search rankings if no significant changes were made to the content. Mueller’s advice applies to changing publishing dates on any type of web page. He recommends updating dates only when making significant changes to the content.

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