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Legal Marketing Lessons: Stay in Touch With Your Clients

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Whenever ENX2 takes on a new client, one of the first things we ask for is the contact info of present and former clients. You would be surprised how many lawyers are not prepared for this question. It’s not that they don’t care about their clients or don’t have these records somewhere hidden in a computer or a filing cabinet. It’s just that they don’t understand why we would need this information.

It’s simple: Your clients are your best marketing team around. Word of mouth is the oldest form of marketing and it’s still probably the most important. Think about it – if you just got your client hundreds of thousands of dollars for his/her case, don’t you think that client is going to rave about your expertise to others? We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Good reviews are essential for lawyers, especially in this day and age.

In addition, you never know when that client will need a lawyer in the future. That’s why you want to stay in touch with former clients. You want to keep that relationship as fresh as possible because you never know where the future will lead the client.

How can you accomplish this task? Here are a few ideas:

Don’t have the time to keep in touch with your clients? Well, that’s why you hire us. We can keep them informed of all your activity and make sure they give you those reviews that you need to gain more clients. Contact us today for a free, 20-minute consultation.

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