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What Holidays See the Biggest Boosts in Site Traffic?

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SEO is a long-form process where you update and maintain your web pages and posts to stay on the first page of search results. Staying on the first page of a few keywords doesn’t guarantee clicks. You also have to target keywords with high search volumes. If they have low search volumes, you’re ranking highly for a keyword few people search for. But, during certain times of the year, you can see a boost in SEO and site traffic because keywords get a boost in searches.

Many of these boosts in SEO come from unforeseen events that cause a brand or product to suddenly spike in popularity. They’re not uncommon, but they are unpredictable. But not all of these spikes come from unforeseen events. Some of these spikes happen around the same time every year, like clockwork.

Holidays can be incredibly helpful or harmful to a business and its ability to get leads. Some holidays see a boost for certain industries and take away leads from others. If you know which ones you need to optimize for, you can see a huge boost in site traffic and revenue. If you let it pass you by, you may be missing out.

Holidays That Boost Your Site Traffic

Not every holiday boosts SEO. Holidays like President’s Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day are not heavily linked to any industry in particular. They’re holidays where people come together to rest and reflect, where holidays like Mother’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and Christmas are defined by the gifts and activities people go out and do together.

Some holidays like Thanksgiving, and the kinda/sorta holiday Black Friday, boost some industries but not others. Where Thanksgiving can be a boon to restaurants and catering businesses, Black Friday is the exact opposite, boosting retail stores rather than restaurants. This is important to keep in mind.

New Year’s Day – Boosts SEO for Law Firms

In 2021, New Year’s Day had more drunk driving-related deaths than any other day of the year. As sad as it is, criminal law and personal injury law firms should see an influx of people because they hurt someone drunk driving or were hurt by someone drunk driving. This means that law firms should prepare blog posts and web pages for the holiday ahead of time. This makes sure the community knows they are available for legal help before drunk driving gets out of hand.

Valentine’s Day – Boosts SEO for Storefronts and Restaurants

Valentine’s Day is the first big holiday of the year that causes a large boost in SEO and site traffic. It’s a holiday all about romantic gestures between partners, and this commonly includes gifts and fancy dinners. This leads to a huge influx of people searching for online and physical storefronts for the right gift and searching for restaurants for the right dining experience.

Storefronts and restaurants can make the extra effort to capture this influx of searches from their competitors with site pages and articles for the holiday. This can include examples such as a Valentine’s Day catalog, a Valentine’s Day menu, or a sale.

St. Patrick’s Day – Boosts SEO for Law Firms

St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday for partying, and outside of alcohol providers, businesses such as storefronts and restaurants don’t see a major boost in their site traffic compared to Valentine’s Day. Law firms, on the other hand, see a large influx immediately following and during the holiday weekend. Drunk driving cases alone will bring people to the doors of law firms. St. Patrick’s Day is one of, and sometimes the most dangerous holiday of the year for drunk driving in places of the U.S. In 2021, it was the third most dangerous holiday for drunk driving.

Criminal law and personal injury law practices, in particular, will see people coming to them for help. Alcohol and parties are the perfect ingredients for making a mistake. People will need legal help to protect themselves or seek compensation. Making website posts about what to expect and avoid over the holiday weekend will attract people to your practice over your competitors.

Easter – Boosts SEO for Restaurants

Easter is a holiday that is beloved for the food associated with it, much like Thanksgiving. While Easter may not be as associated with food as Thanksgiving, this holiday still boosts SEO for restaurants and catering businesses alike. It’s a good idea to create Easter menus for dining and catering to get more people in the door.

Mother’s Day & Father’s Day – Boosts SEO for Storefronts and Restaurants

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are like Valentine’s Day. They are times when we want to do something special for our parents. Because these holidays are centered around mothers and fathers separately, rather than all romantic partners at once, the boost isn’t always as large but is still significant.

Storefronts with a heavy percentage of women in their target audience should capitalize on making special catalogs and items for Mother’s Day. Those with a heavy male presence in their target audience should do the same for Father’s Day. Restaurants should also plan special menus and menu options for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to capitalize on the boost in site traffic.

Independence Day – Boosts SEO for Law Firms

While not as deadly as New Year’s Day, Independence Day or the 4th of July is also notorious for the number of accidents caused by drunk drivers. Independence Day had the second-highest level of risk of drunk driving-related accidents in 2021.

Criminal law attorneys should also have many clients who hurt or damage other people and their property with things like illegal fireworks. Personal injury law attorneys should be helping those who were hurt or whose property was damaged. Then there are those who get into drunken fights and brawls that end with people sustaining personal injuries and being charged with criminal charges.

Thanksgiving – Boosts SEO for Restaurants and Law Firms

Restaurants see a big influx for Thanksgiving. Eating out on Thanksgiving is growing in popularity in the U.S., and catering has always been a popular option for people who don’t want to cook. Restaurants should be pushing special menus for dining and catering, along with any special food items for the holiday.

Thanksgiving also causes a boost in site traffic for law firms as well. In 2021, it was the third-highest risk percentage after Independence Day and New Year’s Day. For the same reasons as Independence Day, St. Patrick’s Day, and New Year’s Day, criminal law and personal injury law firms should be SEO optimizing their content.

Black Friday – Boosts SEO for Storefronts

Where Thanksgiving is great for restaurants, the next day is great for storefronts. Online and physical storefronts see a rush of people who actively come to their stores to find deals and discounts. Black Friday is a yearly anomaly where you want to spend as much time regulating site traffic as you do trying to get it.

When you make blog posts and pages for Black Friday, you don’t only want to target keywords. You want to make posts and pages that show what you’re selling at a discount. When people come in, you want them to go right for what they want, or be shown the item that provides you the most profit. Odds are people will come to your storefront, but if they come all at once, they’re likely to damage products, crash your site, and cost you potential revenue. Prepare your business and utilize the boost in SEO to the fullest.

Christmas – Boosts SEO for Storefronts

Christmas is a holiday currently defined by giving gifts. There’s so much more site traffic going to the keywords that fuel storefronts, that it would be foolish not to prepare for it. But everyone is going to be doing the same thing, so you need to be strategic with your SEO optimization.

Optimize your storefront to stand out by looking at pages and posts about your products and adding keywords surrounding Christmas to them. Trying to go for general holiday keywords is likely not going to gain you a lot of site traffic. Focus your SEO on your products and you can take Christmas by storm.

Contact a Marketing Firm Before the Next Holiday Season

Holidays might be on the calendar, but they can sneak up on any business busy with running their day-to-day operations. Contact a marketing firm that can stay on top of your website’s SEO so you’re always prepared for the holiday seasons as they come, and the time between them.

ENX2 Marketing’s SEO experts will make sure that your website is always prepared to capture boosts in traffic so you can see a boost in revenue. Contact our team for SEO help today.

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