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How Much Do Online Reviews Matter?

online reviews

Consider this: someone got a DUI over Memorial Day weekend and needs an attorney for the first time; someone didn’t like their last haircut and wants a new stylist or barber; the local cafe went out of business and now, there’s nowhere to get coffee. How do all of these people find a solution to their problems? They look at the Google My Business profiles and the first thing they want to see is the online reviews.

But what if you don’t have any? Then these new potential clients/customers have no idea what to make of you. How are they supposed to know how experienced and successful you are compared to your competitors without reviews? How do they know if you cut hair how people like it? Or how would someone know if your cafe makes decent coffee?

In this day and age, people take these reviews seriously, nearly 93% of consumers consider online reviews when considering a new brand. Good word-of-mouth has always been one of the best ways to convince someone to give your brand or business a try. Online reviews are just like word-of-mouth, but they’re always there for people to see. If you ever wonder why businesses you frequent always ask for a review, this is why. 

What Online Review Sites Should You Pay Attention To?

There are a lot of online review sites, and when thinking in the long term, you want to be on as many of them as possible. But, if you’re just starting, there are some that you should prioritize getting your business on as soon as possible. Without them, your business could be hemorrhaging potential revenue.

What No Online Reviews Says About You

If a potential client/customer comes to your business profile and sees that you have no reviews, they will consider a few things. 

Whether or not someone considers one or all of these common trains of thought, you have no idea what they will think. You’re leaving it up to chance that they may consider the best option, that you simply haven’t been asking your customers to leave reviews. There’s no guarantee, and there never will be unless you have online reviews to control the narrative about your business. 

If you continue to have no reviews across your important business listings, you’ll constantly find yourself being passed over by new potential clients/customers. An online review tells someone why they should or shouldn’t look to you for a service or product. 

You want to have as many of them as possible, especially if they’re good. While a bad review isn’t good, having one or two among many good reviews adds some validity to your credibility. A bad review that you answer and try to make amends with looks good because it shows new clients/customers that you’re trying to improve and value criticism.

Get Help From a Marketing Agency to Push Online Reviews

Online reviews are only going to get more and more important as technology advances. Word-of-mouth doesn’t only refer to what people say face-to-face, but what they say online. When nothing online ever disappears, the fact that you have no or few reviews stands out more. Do yourself a favor, and ask pleased customers to leave a review. That’s how you can get more.

But if you don’t understand the technical ins and outs of online review platforms, you can get a marketing agency to handle that for you. ENX2 Marketing is an agency that can handle, update, and optimize your Google My Business profile, Amazon listings, and more if you need it. We can even help you find ways to ask happy clients to leave you reviews. Contact us today for help.

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