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Choosing Thankfulness Amidst a Storm

dining room table filled with various thanksgiving foods

2020 has been a trying year for so many in our communities near and far. While our 24/7 news cycle seemed to be inundated with all of the negativity, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the things we cherish most and remind the people we love that be it home or a little bit away, we still care.

At ENX2 Marketing, 2020 has been a year of change and growth–and something we will keep on the rise into 2021 and beyond. So before we power down our laptops and prepare our own Thanksgiving plans, the #ENX2Crew wanted to share what we’re thankful for this year.

Nicole Farber, CEO: “I am so thankful to God and for the people in my life that surround me and encourage me and make me a better person! But most importantly, I am thankful for my son and that amazing grace I am given every morning. I truly believe that the key to success is a thankful heart and a giving spirit.”

Joe Boylan, COO: “This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for so much. I’m thankful for my girlfriend Lindsay for being such an amazing person who is always there for me, giving me the strength and confidence I need to be the best person I can be. I’m thankful for my daughter and best friend Madeline who continues to amaze me each and every day. I’m thankful for my mom and dad who I miss so much, and can’t wait to see in-person again soon. I’m thankful for my sister Shannon, her husband Angelo, and their kids KC and Quinn who keep me laughing and smiling each day. I’m thankful for my brother Clancy, his wife Abby, and their kids Bridie and Cillian who bring joy and excitement into my life each day. And finally, I’m thankful for my ENX2 family – the most caring, hard-working people I know, who make it so much fun to come to work each day.”

Mike Hollos, Director of Web Design and Development: “This year I am thankful for the health and happiness of my family, and also for making it through multiple quarantines without anyone stabbing someone with a fork.”

Logan Godfrey, Social Media Manager: “This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for many things — from my health to the health of those I hold dear, including my friends, loved ones, co-workers, and those serving on the frontlines of the pandemic and those serving in law enforcement. I am also thankful for having the ability to work during a time when many aren’t that lucky. Aside from that, I am thankful for some of the most obvious things — food and sports. Without those, I would lose my sanity.”

Emily Sutton, Executive Assistant to the CEO: “This year I’m thankful for innovation. 2020 has brought a lot of disruption to our lives and to the world and if not for innovation, more people would have suffered, more businesses would’ve gone down, and more families would not know how they were going to get through it. I’m grateful for all of the people who’ve innovated so that my friends, my family, and I can be hopeful about the many more years to come.”

Keith Stevenson, Photographer and Multimedia Specialist: “I am thankful for patience, love, and understanding. I am thankful for vaccines and clean dry socks.”

Jeff Mirro, Senior SEO Specialist: “I’m thankful for loving parents, and for having good food for Thanksgiving, even if we’re not able to have more family and a bigger crowd for the holiday this year. I’m thankful to have supportive, good people in my life that want to see me succeed.”

Sarah Socha, Content Writer: “This year, I’m thankful for all of the small things that make life worth living. Our world has been focused on what we’re missing out on instead of appreciating the small things–dinner together at home, long phone calls, sending greeting cards!– I’m appreciative of the time we’ve had to slow down and reflect on what really matters–Each other.”

Mariah Curtis, Talent Coordinator: “This year I am thankful for the health and wellbeing of my family and friends. I am also grateful to have a roof over my head, food in my pantry, and a job that supports my career growth. In a nutshell, 2020 has taught us to be fortunate for the little things we take for granted every day.”

McKaylah DeKay, Junior Graphic Designer: “I’m thankful for my family and my friends and the health of both groups. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to grow as a professional with ENX2!”

Erika Jenkins, Social Media Marketing Assistant: “I’m thankful for the personal and professional growth that I’ve gone through in the last 12 months, for the health of my family, friends, and loved ones, and for technology that allows us to stay in touch and ‘hangout’ while we can’t be together — that’s right, Netflix Party, I’m looking at you.”

Laura Slocum, Bookkeeper: “I am thankful for every single experience and every single person who crosses my path, no matter what. We learn from everything. Learning and evolving is the best.”

Overall, as a company, we’re thankful for a lot. We’re thankful for our amazing clients, both old and new, for the #ENX2Crew, a team that is there for each other no matter what, and for whatever new and exciting opportunities are coming our way in 2021! Now we ask you: What are you and your loved ones thankful for?

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